The Ultra II RNA Library Prep Kit for Illumina is designed for non-directional (non-strand-specific) RNA library construction, and delivers significantly increased sensitivity and specificity from your RNA-seq experiments, from ever-decreasing amounts of input RNA. In conjunction with ribosomal RNA (rRNA) depletion or poly(A) mRNA enrichment, the kit enables the production of high quality libraries from 10 ng of Total RNA, respectively, up to 1µg.
For directional (strand-specific) RNA library preparation, see the NEBNext Ultra II Directional RNA Library Prep kit for Illumina.
See what customers are saying about NEBNext Ultra II RNA. Features
Get more of what you need, with the highest library yields
Generate high quality libraries even when you have only limited amounts of input RNA:
10 ng – 1 µg Total RNA (polyA mRNA workflow)
10 ng – 1 µg Total RNA (rRNA depletion workflow)
Minimize bias, with fewer PCR cycles required
Increase the complexity and transcript coverage of your libraries (link to E7770 Complexity and Transcript Coverage daughter pages)
Optimize your time with streamlined workflows, reduced hands-on time, and automation compatibility
Rely on robust performance
Compatible with NEBNext poly(A) mRNA Isolation, rRNA Depletion reagents and multiplexing adaptors and primers
Also available without optional SPRIselect® beads. For extensive NEBNext Ultra II performance data, click the links in the Features above and download our technical note for poly(A) mRNA isolation or our technical note for rRNA depletion.LIBRARY YIELDS
View additional data on library yieldsDUPLICATION RATES View additional data on library qualityMAXIMIZING TRANSCRIPT COVERAGE View additional data on transcript coverageEXCELLENT LIBRARY COMPLEXITY AT LOW INPUT AMOUNTSView additional data on library complexity
This product is related to the following categories:
RNA Library Prep for Illumina
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