主要产品:NEB、内切酶、基因表达、RNAi DNA修饰酶、各种载体、 Marker 、引物、测序 等等
℡ 4000-520-616
℡ 4000-520-616
NEB/Lemo21(DE3) Competent E. coli/12 x 0.05 ml/C2528J
市  场 价:¥0.00
场      地:美国(厂家直采)
产品分类: 分子类>核酸酶类>其他>
邮      箱: info@ebiomall.com
美  元  价:待定
品      牌: NEB
公      司:New England Biolabs
NEB/Lemo21(DE3) Competent E. coli/12 x 0.05 ml/C2528J
Chemically competent E. coli cells suitable for transformation and protein expression. Fine tuning of T7 expression can alleviate inclusion body formation or growth inhibitory effects from toxic proteins. In many cases, less expression equals more protein of interest produced in the desired form. This is particularly true for membrane protein expression (Wagner et al. 2008). Membrane protein expression and protein export in E. coli are both limited by the throughput capacity of the Sec translocase and in some cases the Tat translocase. T7 expression of proteins targeted to the Sec translocase often leads to accumulation of inclusion bodies or inhibition of cell division if expression is not regulated.Lemo21(DE3) offers the host features of BL21(DE3) while also allowing for tunable expression of difficult clones. Tunable expression is achieved by varying the level of lysozyme (lysY), the natural inhibitor of T7 RNA polymerase. The level of lysozyme is modulated by adding L-rhamnose to the expression culture at levels from zero to 2000 µM. When Lemo21(DE3) is grown without rhamnose, the strain performs the same as a pLysS containing strain. However, optional addition of rhamnose tunes the expression of the protein of interest. For difficult soluble proteins, tuning the expression level may also result in more soluble, properly folded protein.


  • BL21(DE3) containing the Lemo System™
  • Tunable T7 Expression Strain for difficult targets: membrane proteins, toxic proteins and proteins prone to insoluble expression
  • Deficient in proteases Lon and OmpT
  • Resistant to phage T1 (fhuA2)
  • Lemo System™ maintained by chloramphenicol

Transformation Efficiency

1–3 x 107cfu/µg pUC19 DNA


fhuA2 [lon] ompT gal (λ DE3) [dcm]∆hsdS/ pLemo(CamR) λ DE3 = λ sBamHIo ∆EcoRI-Bint::(lacI::PlacUV5::T7 gene1) i21 ∆nin5 pLemo = pACYC184-PrhaBAD-lysY
This product is related to the following categories:
T7 Expression,
E. coli Protein Expression Strains,
E. coli Expression Strains Products,
Protein Expression
This product can be used in the following applications:
T7 Expression,
Toxic Protein Expression,
Membrane Protein Expression,
Expression of Difficult Proteins,
Peptide Ligation,
Protein Expression in E. Coli,
Protein Expression

NEB公司成立于二十世纪七十年代中期,拥有众多经验丰富的科学家,是生产生命科学试剂的领导者。目前,NEB为基因组研究提供最齐全的重组酶和天然酶,并且公司业务范围已延伸至蛋白质组学和药品开发领域。回顾三十余年来的历程,NEB公司作为先驱公司之一,为促进生物科技工业的发展做出了巨大的贡献。NEB美国总部乔 迁新址后拥有最尖端的设备,有一座现代化的发酵中心及设备齐全的实验室,这些实验室主要用于产品生产、质量监控、 产品开发和基础科研之用。作为首批以商业规模生产限制性内切酶的公司之一,NEB一直专注于内切酶的研究,并保持 业内领先水平。NEB公司一贯坚持以科学为本的原则,公司生产的试剂因其高质量、高性价比享誉世界。NEB(北京)有限公司 New England Biolabs (Beijing) LTD. NEB(北京)有限公司New England Biolabs (Beijing) LTD. 为美国New England Biolabs, Inc.在华投资兴建的独资子公司,负责处理其在中国内地及香港地区的全部业务,同时承担部分新产品的研发工作。纽英伦生物技术(北京)有限公司成立于2001年11月,为中国生命科学研究者提供一流的产品和专业的技术服务,促进国内外生命科学学术交流,与中国科研工作者一起将中国推入到二十一世纪生命科学的前沿中去。

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